The Red Men by Matthew De Abaitua is available now on eBook
This fake teaser trailer for The Red Men movie by Shynola makes me want to write all day and all night, to bring more of this world out.
The glorious Hilobrow.com are running a very short story competition, for which I am acting as a judge. Readers are invited to submit a short-short (250 words maximum) story about a troubled/troubling superman or -woman. Closing date is 5pm EST on Monday February 15th.
Few cultural scraps are as redolent of lo-fi VHS genre pleasures than a movie trailer with JOHN CARPENTER’s (born 1948) name above the title and his own analog synth score. Carpenter’s breakthrough was Dark Star (1974), a wiseass repudiation of 2001: A Space Odyssey’s intergalactic awe. Bits of the movie’s code can be discerned in…
Starting on midnight of the 25th January, Resonance FM will be broadcasting a series of specially-commissioned collaborations between writers and musicians, Weird Tales For Winter, curated by the incomparable Jonny Mugwump and including my own collaboration with the West Norwood Cassette Library, entitled The Dinner Party Wars
It’s hard for 21st Century whippersnappers to appreciate the impact Nigel Kneale’s 1950s Quatermass serial had on the nation. Back when there was only one channel, and the programmes all went out live, a writer could step out of Alexandria Palace, look out across the TV aerials rigging the dark London skyline and know that…