Introducing Kipling’s SF
My story Piggybank is part of the Significant Objects project and will be published in the Significant Objects anthology by Fantagraphics in 2011
My brief appreciation of Grant Morrison, based on my interview with him in the early Noughties, an interview I spent mostly halfway up a step-ladder and wrapped in the American flag.
The glorious Hilobrow.com are running a very short story competition, for which I am acting as a judge. Readers are invited to submit a short-short (250 words maximum) story about a troubled/troubling superman or -woman. Closing date is 5pm EST on Monday February 15th.
Continuing the series of excerpts from my essay on the Kindred of the Kibbo Kift, due to be published in The Idler in 2010. A prehistoric track stretches across 250 miles from the Dorset coast to the Norfolk Wash. For over five thousand years, people have walked or ridden this trail. The first section we…